Sophos Reporter Release Notes
   All Release Notes Sophos Reporter (2018-02-07)
  • Now supports new log fields introduced in SFOS v17 including referer, status code, user agent, reason, and content type. This greatly improves the effectiveness of the Fastvue Site Clean algorithm on Sophos XG data.
  • Settings | Licensing | User Statistics no longer double-counts users with when they're logged as both 'username' and 'domainusername'.
  • Updated Self Harm Searches Alert keywords (fresh installs only).
  • Improved Fastvue Reporter's DNS resolution for when a Username or Source Host is not logged.
  • LDAP import now imports a user's First/Last Name if their Display Name attribute in Active Directory is blank.
  • Added more diagnostic logging to LDAP security group import to help troubleshoot errors.
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