Reporter for SonicWall Release Notes
   All Release Notes Reporter for SonicWall (2020-09-02)
  • Fixed issue with excessive memory and CPU usage when an alert is configured using the ‘Greater than’, ‘Less than’, ‘Greater than or equal’, or Less than or equal’ operators on numeric fields that are not aggregates, such as Hours or Ports.
  • ‘User Data Usage And Throughput’ log lines from SRA/SMA v9 logs are now ignored as they were excessively bloating bandwidth/size figures.
  • 2 Factor Authentication challenges are no longer shown as ‘Failed Logins’ in the VPN dashboard or reports.
  • Fixed issue where the timezone offset was not applied correctly for SonicWall SMA v10 data.
  • The ‘Details’ column in the VPN Session report widget is now better populated when using SonicWall SMA v10 data.
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