Reporter for SonicWall Release Notes
   All Release Notes Reporter for SonicWall (2017-05-19)
  • Source Hosts are now imported from the src= field if present. SonicWall will log Source Hosts if you have configured the options in Log | Name Resolution on your SonicWall device. If no Source Host is found, Fastvue Reporter will attempt to resolve the Source IP itself.
  • Fixed log parsing issues when logging the 'note' field with Syslog Enhanced log format.
  • Fixed issues with alerts that use Browsing Time or Session Time in their criteria from incorrectly triggering.
  • The detection of 'No syslog data received' now occurs per source. Syslog traffic from multiple IPs would prevent the detection of interruption unless all devices stopped sending syslog traffic at the same time.
  • Email alerts can now be sent when an interruption in syslog traffic is detected. This email is disabled by default and can be enabled by hitting this URL: http://your_fastvue_url/_/api?f=Settings.General.SetAlertNoSyslogTraffic&enabled=true (replace your_fastvue_url with your actual Fastvue Reporter URL). Emails will be sent to the 'System Notifications' email address specified in Settings | Email
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