Reporter for SonicWall Release Notes
   All Release Notes Reporter for SonicWall Beta (2018-10-24)
  • Reworked Overview and User Overview Reports.
  • Elasticsearch now creates a new index for each date. 
  • Improved data size calculation per date in Settings | Data Storage.
  • Added Data Migration feature to automatically migrate legacy Fastvue Reporter data stores (FVFS format) to Elasticsearch. Data migration process can be viewed in Settings | Data Storage
  • New APIs:
    – Storage.GetMigrationStatus() – Returns the status of the current migration task if any.
    – Storage.StartFvfsMigration() – Manually start the Data.Fvfs migration.
    – Storage.SetMigrationPaused(paused) – If paused is true, pauses the migration, otherwise resumes it.
  • Performance Improvements.
  • Improved Installer (error checking, bug fixes)
  • Fixed issue where the Time Analysis Widget would fail to generate correctly.
  • Fixed issue with Activity Reports not rendering.
  • Improved diagnostic logging.
  • Reporter now monitors Elasticsearch process status and restarts it automatically if Elasticsearch terminates or exits without being instructed to do so by Reporter.

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