Reporter for SonicWall Release Notes
   All Release Notes Reporter for SonicWall (2019-06-27)
  • Improved start up time. More specifically, improved the time it takes for Elasticsearch to initialize indexes.
  • Improved some stability issues between Fastvue Reporter and Elasticsearch. 
  • Fixed issue where Reports filtered by Security Group would not return any data.
  • Filtering by Department and Office is now case insensitive.
  • Fixed an issue where filtering on Productivity 'Equal to' Unassigned OR Uncertain would return categories that were in neither of those Productivity lists.
  • Changed the default ports used for Elasticsearch to 53863 and 53963 to help prevent port conflicts when installed alongside other applications that also use Elasticsearch, such as Acronis backup.
  • The ports used by Elasticsearch can now be customised using the DatabaseElasticPort and DatabaseElasticTransportTcpPort settings in Fastvue Reporter's Settings.xml. When these values are set to 0, the default ports will be used. Note, the Fastvue Reporter service must not be running when making changes to this file.
  • Pie charts on the Overview Dashboard now show the 'Other' series again.
  • Fixed issues with trial and registrations on systems using Hijri calendar.
  • Fixed issues with license keys entered in lowercase.
  • Added extra debugging information to the verbose diagnostic log to help troubleshoot email/smtp issues.
  • Search Terms and YouTube Video widgets are now populated when running in Demo Mode.
  • Fixed the parsing of Gateway Anti-Virus messages. For example, the message "Gateway Anti-Virus Alert: (Cloud Id: 59691809) Upx-6 (Trojan) blocked" is now parsed into the following fields:
    – Action = Blocked
    – Threat Name = (Cloud Id: 59691809) Upx-6 (Trojan)
    – Event Message = Gateway Anti-Virus Alert
    – Event Message Detail = Gateway Anti-Virus Alert: (Cloud Id: 59691809) Upx-6 (Trojan)
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