Reporter for Barracuda Release Notes
   All Release Notes Reporter for Barracuda Beta (2019-05-20)
  • The Data Retention Size Policy is automatically increased when upgrading from Fastvue Reporter 3.0 to Fastvue Reporter 4.0 (with Elasticsearch). This is to avoid data loss during data migration, as the new database requires approximately twice the disk space. The size policy is doubled if the available disk space allows for it, but is capped at 90% of drive space.
  • A notification is displayed in the Application Header notifying that the Data Retention Size Policy has been automatically increased and to confirm the settings.
  • Data Retention Size Policy now defaults to 90% of drive space (total space on an existing install, available space on a new install) instead of 50 GB, allowing 20GB for OS if the data path is on the same drive as the OS.
  • Fixed issues that may occur during startup when recovering indexes.
  • Improved import and data migration performance.
  • Changing diagnostic log level now persists between service restarts.
  • Changes/Improvements to diagnostic logging.
  • Rotating diagnostic log archiver now chooses a new filename if the archive target filename already exists.
  • Fixed issues where illegal characters in the Filename field could stop data import.
  • Fixed issue filtering reports by the 'Unassigned' Productivity Group.
  • Added a box shadow animation to the Overview Widgets when their sidebar link is clicked, to draw attention to the relevant widget in the row.
  • A URL's scheme (e.g. http/https/ftp) is now derived from the destination port if the protocol is missing or omits both the protocol and '://' from the output URL.
  • Added a link to the release notes to the Settings | About page.
  • The Dashboard now always scrolls to correct page when URL hash is set.

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