Reporter for Barracuda Release Notes
   All Release Notes Reporter for Barracuda Beta (2018-12-17)
  • The Overview and User Overview Reports now have three sub-report-types – Internet Usage, IT and Network Security, and All Usage.
  • Improved Browsing Time calculation.
  • Fixed log parsing issues.
  • Fixed filter StartsWith, EndsWith and Contains operators and their inversions.
  • Usernames are now forced to `DOMAINusername@domain` casing before being indexed in Elasticsearch.
  • Added three tabs to Settings | Diagnostic: Logs, Resource Usage, Database.
  • Moved database status display to Settings | Diagnostic | Database.
  • Added CPU, RAM, and Disk charts, as well as Database charts for CPU and RAM to Settings | Diagnostic | Resource Usage.
  • Improved database status information provided by API, details about Elasticsearch's nodes and shards are now provided in a structured form and displayed in Settings | Diagnostic | Database.
  • Changed the layout of text on the Settings | Diagnostic page and updated the log location to show the new location of the logs.
  • Added database interface status display in Settings | Data Storage.
  • Errors during record import will now queue the failed record to be imported again with the next import batch.
  • New API:
    – Storage.GetDatabaseStatus – Gets the current database/Elastic status (also available via Storage.GetStatistics().Database).
  • Elasticsearch startup timeout is now configurable via setting `DatabaseElasticSelfManagedTimeout` in Settings.xml (default 120s).
  • Elasticsearch interface now checks the Elasticsearch version on connect.
  • Elasticsearch interface now stores scripts in Elasticsearch rather than passing the script source with each query.
  • Elasticseach interface now waits for Elasticsearch to complete index recovery before loading indexes, pushing scripts, or accepting query/index requests.
  • Fastvue Reporter now uses health status to automatically attempt to reconnect to Elasticsearch on connection failure and reload indexes and push scripts.
  • Fastvue Reporter now reloads indexes and pushes scripts if a health check fails.
  • Fastvue Reporter now disconnects/reconnects to Elasticsearch completely if no health check has succeeded within the last 60s.
  • Index settings are now updated in parallel with error checking and retry.
  • Stored scripts are now stored in parallel with error checking and retry.
  • Restructured stored scripts push logic to precache all of the scripts before storing them in Elasticsearch.
  • Elasticsearch node stats update no longer logs errors if no response is received.
  • Elasticsearch start now scans for the major version of Elasticsearch in use and sets command line arguments to java appropriately.
  • Elasticsearch now logs the full command line used at Verbose level.
  • Elasticsearch wildcard/prefix queries are now added to the 'must' section of the query instead of the 'should' section.
  • Elasticsearch index deletion now also removes the cached date statistics.
  • Elasticsearch interface will now consider the instance started when the HTTP server is reported active.
  • Fixed GetDates in Elasticsearch interface not correctly checking connected status.
  • Elasticsearch interface now ignores 'yellow' cluster health status from Elasticsearch for 30 seconds after attempting to create an index.
  • Errors in index creation or bulk indexing will now force the index list to be reloaded to ensure consistency.
  • Updated Elasticsearch version to 5.6.13.
  • Data retention will no longer attempt to scan an empty list of dates.

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