Reporter for FortiGate Release Notes
   All Release Notes Reporter for FortiGate (2021-04-01)

Fastvue has recalled this version due to issues reported by several customers after upgrading. If you have upgraded to this version and are experiencing high resource usage (CPU/RAM) and/or reports are failing, please downgrade to the previous build below. Download the update and click Next through the installation wizard without making any changes.

  • Improved the performance of the Alerts engine resulting in lower RAM usage of the Fastvue Reporter process.
  • Fixed the extraction of YouTube searches after a YouTube change altered the way search results get logged by firewalls.
  • Added a VDOM column to the ‘FortiGate Devices’ widget in IT Network and Security Reports.
  • Fixed issue with Application widgets showing no data after a logging change made by Fortinet in FortiOS 6.2.1.
  • Added Protocol-violation and Port-violation to the available options picklist items for the ‘Event Type’ field.
  • Search Terms are now always extracted from the common search engines, regardless of the URL category logged by the firewall (a different category can be logged due to whitelists and custom categories).
  • Updated default keywords relating to Drug Searches. Note: You will not see the changes to Alerts automatically. Please see our article onĀ Updating Alerts to the latest version while keeping any custom alerts.
  • Alert Evidence that contains special HTML characters such as < > & “” are now displayed correctly on the Alerts tab and in Alert emails.
  • Fixed issue that occurs on some non-english systems (such as Turkish) where some aspects of the user interface would not function correctly.
  • Fixed issue that prevented installation on systems without a .vbs file association.
  • The Source issue “Unable to read data from the transport connection” is no longer regularly displayed when importing syslog data over TCP.
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