Fastvue Syslog Release Notes
   All Release Notes Fastvue Syslog (2019-02-25)

This is the first public release of Fastvue Syslog v2.0! New features include:

TCP Support
Fastvue Syslog can now receive syslog messages sent over TCP and forward syslog messages via TCP.

IPv6 Support
Fastvue Syslog can now receive syslog messages from IPv6 hosts.

Display Names
You can now name each syslog source using its Display Name property. You can also use this in log paths and filenames using the {displayname} parameter.

Updated User Interface
Visually, the web user interface is largely unchanged, but it has been completely re-written in the React JavaScript framework. This rework has fixed a range of UI issues, including glitches in Internet Explorer where certain settings would not be committed.

Open Source User Interface
Rather than keep it to ourselves, we've gone one step further and made the code for the User Interface open source. View and clone the Fastvue-Syslog-UI GitHub Repo

API Documentation
You can now programmatically retrieve statistics, logs, and make settings changes using the Fastvue Syslog API. Read the Fastvue Syslog API documentation.

To update, download the latest version of Fastvue Syslog, and follow 'Upgrading' instructions on our Getting Started page.

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