Reporter for ContentKeeper Release Notes
   All Release Notes Reporter for ContentKeeper (2023-02-23)
  • Fastvue Reporter has always resolved source hosts for the common internal address ranges —,,,, [fe80::]/16, or [fc00::]/7. You can now add custom IP ranges by editing the ResolveSourceHostsIPRanges property in Fastvue Reporter’s Settings.xml file while the Fastvue Reporter service is stopped. Add a comma separated list of IP ranges that you would like to resolve in CIDR notation.

    For example:
    <Item Name="ResolveSourceHostsIPRanges" Type="System.String, mscorlib" Value=",," />

    Note, Source Hosts are only resolved when a username or source host has not been logged by the firewall.
    Fixed the alignment of chart bars to table rows in dashboard widgets when the table row expands to multiple lines.
  • Fixed the alignment of chart bars to table rows in dashboard widgets when the table row expands to  multiple lines.
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